Then I call ExportFusionComp() to save a physical file to disk.

I create the comp as I did before, with AddFusionComp(), and then use that Composition object to add and configure and connect the nodes. So the workaround is to use a different API call, ImportFusionComp(), which apparently doesn't have this problem. Perhaps AddFusionComp() is missing one step that's required when creating a comp some internal plumbing or something like that. However there's some bug or issue that prevents it working fully it doesn't display outside of the Fusion page, and it doesn't persist when the project is saved and reloaded. And it also shows up in any API calls on the Timeline Item, eg GetFusionCompByIndex(). This Composition object works 100% fine in the Fusion page, and responds to all the expected API calls. It definitely creates a comp, and returns a Composition object. So my theory is that AddFusionComp() has some kind of bug. Either it didn't get saved, or it got reset on load. Or to be exact: when saving and then reloading the project, the timeline item no longer had the Fusion comp on it that I created. Not only did the Fusion comp not show up on Edit/Color/Deliver, but it also didn't get saved with the project. While testing further, I discovered that the problem was more fundamental than I had first realised.

Videoitem:ImportFusionComp("/Volumes/1TBSSD/p") Videoitem:DeleteFusionCompByName("Composition 1") Code: Select all videoitem:ExportFusionComp("/Volumes/1TBSSD/p", 1)